Wednesday, 14 March 2018

L&L N0 56

Liver & Lights No 56, 
One Shoe Mickey is a Verbfoot Jack.

For the last year I have been working on a cycle of
 interrelated texts/songs/lyrics that relate
 to the life of the mythical One Shoe Mickey, a 
former refugee who has somehow found his way to London. 

‘Mickey’ is what the people of London call him, although he has had many names, 
and has existed throughout history. Like in all the best superhero adventures, 
Micheal has taken a bang on the head and this has cleared his senses. 
Now he sees the world for what it  really is: a bloody mess.

In his mixed-up brain he thinks that shoes should only be worn one at a time,
 because there is only one god. 
He also thinks that gloves are significant; 
they must be - he sees so many of them dropped on the London street. 
Mickey believes that they are the souls of all the sons, 
daughters, wives, mothers, 
nephews, lovers, friends and kind strangers etc 
lost on all the long and desperate roads 
emmanating from the war that never ends.  

Mickey thinks he can somehow reunite them all, mend them all, 
all the lost and broken things of the world. 

It is said that he collects all the broken snails up from the London pavements 
on rainy days and glues them back together. 
Among the gloves he seeks the One True G’love, 
a mythical glove that may or may not relate to his own lost family…..

This is an entirely hand hand printed book made from a confection of low budget 
block printing methods and containing one of Mickey’s 
most pointed observations of the world and its sorry condition. 

It probably the most labour intensive book I have ever made, 
a labour of love for all the Mickeys. 

It is made using 100% recycled materials in a very limited edition of only 40 copies. 

The books are currently in production. 
If you want to reserve one
please send me 


Paypal to:

but you can also send me 
Cheques to: 229 Railton Rd London SE2 0LX (please add £2 to total)
or email me for
Bank details for direct payments.

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