Thursday, 21 March 2019

Liver & Lights No 57

Liver & Lights Scriptorium Presents:


A brand new album by the DIY art music collective bonesandtheaft?
The performance wing of the Liver & Lights publishing phenomenon 
begun in 1983  by Poet John Bently and currently featuring:

Ian Mckean: Guitars, keyboards   
Admiral Lord Biscuit : Drums   
Arthur Bently: Alto Saxophone  
John Bently: Words, vocals  
Bird Radio: Flute, Keyboards

Heres a taster track:

Full details available here:

There is also a  video made by Chiara Ambrosio here:

Mickey sets out every day from his cardboard home 
in search of the One True Glove, reputed to be lost somewhere 
in the ancient and mythical city of London.

These ten songs tell of his daily trudges, searching, always searching, 
for his lost family, among the fallen gloves and trodden snails of London. 

This is a full colour book and CD being Liver & Lights No's 56 and  57. 
The official launch will be 

June 7th at Tate Britain 
(During Late at the Tate)