Friday, 18 October 2019

The Burger of Truth. L&L 58....Reserve Copy Now.

Liver & Lights No 58
The Burger of Truth
A carved rubber stamp
book in an edition of
63 copies only; a labour
of love on recycled
brown paper
30 copies will be given out free

to the first thirty people who come
to the private view 
of the forthcoming
exhibition at Hart Club:
The Glove Paintings of 
one Shoe Mickey

leaving  approximately 30 copies
for sale to you beautiful loyal
subscribers …if you want to make 
sure you don't miss out you can send
me twenty notes  by 
Old Fashioned Cheque
(£20 inc p &p) 
made out to Liver and Lights
229 Railton Rd, SE24 0LX, or
paypal to 

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

The Glove Paintings of One Shoe Mickey

Hart Club 
Liver & Lights 

The Glove Paintings 
One Shoe Mickey

The current Liver and Lights project is called 
One Shoe Mickey and started out three years ago as a 
collection of lost gloves collected  from the streets 
of London and made into a costume.

The costume, when worn by the artist, becomes transformed

into  the character One Shoe Mickey, a heartbroken former 
refugee whose sanity is seemingly unravelled by the horrors 
of the long road.

Believing the gloves are his lost family, Mickey makes 
paintings of the gloves which he hopes will help to reunite 
them with their lost partners.

This exhibition  at Hart Club gallery contains all the paintings 
made by Mickey and a new book written by him being 

Liver & Lights No 58:The Burger of Truth

which will be given out Free to the first 30 people who come 
to the private view on Thursday 14th November 2019  6-9 pm

Bonesandtheaft will also give a special performance 
of  the One Shoe Mickey song Cycle and other   favourite 
tunes on Friday 22nd Nov at 7 pm

For more information about the project, Liver & Lights 
and Hart Club, see attachment….

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Liver & LightsCurrently Available Publications

All books are plus £2.00 postage per copy
Order two copies and postage is free!!

Payment by Old Fashioned Cheque to: 
Liver & Lights Scriptorium,
229 Railton Rd, London, SE24 0LX.


Bank Transfer (details on request from

L&L No.52. Lord Biscuits Volvo 245 is gone. 2014

Lord Biscuit, fabled Bones drummer
lovingly restored car had been nicked. 
This is the story of how he got it back; 
an adventure, a modern myth, 
a harangue against the thieving bastards who 
“leave us in daily fear of losing all our precious things” 
The book is printed entirely by hand 
using large six inch play foam cuts, 
similar to big rubber stamps, 
in white and red ink on black paper. 
It was a labour of love to match Lord Biscuit's
  in restoring his car to its former glory. 
Last Remaining Copies  £30.00

L&L No.53. 
Railton Rd, Herne Hill Ends, 
100 copies. 2015

I started writing a poem a day about stuff going on in my street, 
under my nose so to speak…this is a  selection. 
The book is actually a small lidded box containing 
nine separate illustrated pamphlets, 
each one about a specific character or incident.  
Half way through the project my house was burgled…
my laptop was nicked and I lost about thirty of the poems. 
I was strangely disheartened after this but then magically, 
I found a book  -Miguel Street by VS Naipul 
left on a nearby Railton Road wall. 
Each chapter in the book is a story about a separate character 
in the authors Miguel Street home, written in 
Port of Spain Trinidad during WW2. Naipul came from humble 
beginnings and eventually won
 the Nobel prize for literature and lives in nearby Stockwell!  
I took this as a sign that what I was doing, 
the observational, semi documentary nature of it, 
was worthwhile, despite the burglary and other discouragements, 
like my shrinking list of subscribers…
Last Remaining Copies  £30.00

Liver & Lights No. 54. 
Bones & The Aft.The Rafter Habit

The second album by Bones and the Aft..
available in a variety of formats.
Vinyl with large scale book and signed prints £25.00  
CD in box with book £10.00. 
Standard CD £5.00 
and download from 

Liver & Lights No 55. You’ve been kind. 

Bonesandtheaft / bird radio collaboration. 
 a beautiful handmade labour of love, a  total work of art in
book and vinyl form, a hymn to the vinyl days of old,
a collection of beautiful songs 
played by beautiful musicians....
Hand printed  Vinyl Record plus zine £15.00 
CD plus zine  £10.00

Liver & Lights No 56 Part One. 
One Shoe Michael; A London song Cycle.
paperback. isbn978-0-95-339618-4  £10.00

Mickey is a refugee who has found his way to London. 
He lives in a cardboard box. 
He collects the lost gloves he finds 
and binds them into a coat, 
meanwhiles trying to reconnect them 
with their lost partner.  
The book contains the complete 
cycle of lyrics written him,
 illustrating his daily trudges, 
his view of the world, his friends, 
his journey and the city,   
illustrated in full colour with 
Mickey’s ongoing collection 
of lovingly rendered glove paintings:

Here is his meagre vittles, but all he meets can share it
and how the one true glove will bind them all, 
for all can wear it.

Liver & Lights No 56 Part Two. 
One Shoe Mickey Is a Verbfoot Jack

A hand made, hand printed 
version of one of Mickey's lyrics, 
written in his head as he trudges the London streets. 
He has taken many bangs on the head and 
suffered many kickings therein, yet still his humanity 
and kindness shine through and he seems 
to make more sense than most politicians. 

Printed  and bound in utterly recycled brown paper
 and card and printed by hand from  27 
separate rubber stamps in many colours

Liver & Lights No 57. Mickey. bonesandtheaft?  £10.00

A standard audio cd in paper gatefold sleeve 
containing musical performances of Mickey's songs 
as published in  Liver & Lights No 57 
part One and Two. 
Performed by bonesandtheaft?

All three  together!!
Paperback, hand printed book and Audio Cd

Music arranged  and composed by Ian Mckean 
with assistance from Mikey Kirkpatrick. 
Produced by Stefan Inglis at Antenna Studios, 
Crystal Palace with additional production by Ian Mckean 
and M. Kirkpatrick at Nihon Towers. 
Mixed and mastered by M. kirkpatrick

Friday, 12 July 2019

Last gig before Autumn
In our Living Room!
It was 
Brilliant Last Time!
Come on Down!
Bring a bottle
and something to shake
Support from 
at least half of
Teeth Machine and
 Kurdish Superstar
Nawros Oramari
Music from 7pm
229 Railton Rd
SE24 0LX

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Liver & Lights No 57

Liver & Lights Scriptorium Presents:


A brand new album by the DIY art music collective bonesandtheaft?
The performance wing of the Liver & Lights publishing phenomenon 
begun in 1983  by Poet John Bently and currently featuring:

Ian Mckean: Guitars, keyboards   
Admiral Lord Biscuit : Drums   
Arthur Bently: Alto Saxophone  
John Bently: Words, vocals  
Bird Radio: Flute, Keyboards

Heres a taster track:

Full details available here:

There is also a  video made by Chiara Ambrosio here:

Mickey sets out every day from his cardboard home 
in search of the One True Glove, reputed to be lost somewhere 
in the ancient and mythical city of London.

These ten songs tell of his daily trudges, searching, always searching, 
for his lost family, among the fallen gloves and trodden snails of London. 

This is a full colour book and CD being Liver & Lights No's 56 and  57. 
The official launch will be 

June 7th at Tate Britain 
(During Late at the Tate)