Monday, 3 September 2018

Liver & Lights/bonesandtheaft at the Tate

Autumn News:  

I am doing a show and tell talk at the 
Tate Britain ( in the Library Archive Reading Rooms)
on December 7th 2018
its a history of  Liver & lights sort of thing with additional
musings on other books I like from the Tate Archive...more info here:

even more exciting!!!:


will be performing in the said library
in the evening following the talk (7pm -ish)...its part of the
Late at the Tate its free!

The evening will be the official (so to speak) launch of
Liver & Lights No 56

paperback (illustrated above)
Hardback handmade (below)

and possibly of our new album if its mixed and
made by then.....

Some copies left:

paperback : £10.00

Handmade: £40.00

Postage: add £2.00 per book but if you buy both or two copies its free

payment by :

or old fashioned cheque made out to Liver & Lights and 
posted to 229 Railton Rd, London, SE24 0LX